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Quick and Easy Nutrition Tips

Quick and Easy Nutrition Tips

April 18, 20242 min read

I want to share with you two quick and easy Nutrition tips!


So below I will give you some quick and easy nutrition hacks!! We will review how to get more water in, how to eat more healthy while travelling, and at work!


Water Tips

  • Place an elastic band on your water bottle each time you empty it

    • Know that by the end of the day you need to have a certain number of bands on your water bottle

  • Purchase a water bottle that is big enough to hold your daily water supply

    • Know that by the end of the day it should be empty

  • Try decaffeinated teas as an alternative to plain water

  • Flavour the water with a slice of lemon, lime, cucumber or fruit

  • Increase the amount of water drank during the day gradually

    • I.e. if 500 ml of water is usually drunk during the day add 250 - 500 ml daily to reach your goal


Some healthy travel tips:

  • Always carry a water bottle

    • Empty water bottles can go through airport security!

    • Carry a small travel water purifier if you're not sure of water quality

  • Have snacks packed and handy

  • Request a fridge in your hotel room (if possible) to store healthy food


Workplace Tips

Outside of the home, this is where many people spend most of their days. Being the second (or first) place where we eat most often can be a major contributor to our nutrition habits and our weight loss goals.

As people are often busy during their workday some suggestions are:

  • Easily prepared, cold snacks are often the best choices for work.

    • Whole fruits, mixed nuts, seeds, quinoa, or couscous salad, raw vegetables, cooked egg, light yogurt and cottage cheese can combine to create balanced meals that require only minutes of prep time.

  • Leftovers from previous meals

  • Try bringing a cooler with prepared meals to work and providing specific meal and snack recipes.


What is your favourite tip that you will implement this week?

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Quick and Easy Nutrition Tips

Quick and Easy Nutrition Tips

April 18, 20242 min read

I want to share with you two quick and easy Nutrition tips!


So below I will give you some quick and easy nutrition hacks!! We will review how to get more water in, how to eat more healthy while travelling, and at work!


Water Tips

  • Place an elastic band on your water bottle each time you empty it

    • Know that by the end of the day you need to have a certain number of bands on your water bottle

  • Purchase a water bottle that is big enough to hold your daily water supply

    • Know that by the end of the day it should be empty

  • Try decaffeinated teas as an alternative to plain water

  • Flavour the water with a slice of lemon, lime, cucumber or fruit

  • Increase the amount of water drank during the day gradually

    • I.e. if 500 ml of water is usually drunk during the day add 250 - 500 ml daily to reach your goal


Some healthy travel tips:

  • Always carry a water bottle

    • Empty water bottles can go through airport security!

    • Carry a small travel water purifier if you're not sure of water quality

  • Have snacks packed and handy

  • Request a fridge in your hotel room (if possible) to store healthy food


Workplace Tips

Outside of the home, this is where many people spend most of their days. Being the second (or first) place where we eat most often can be a major contributor to our nutrition habits and our weight loss goals.

As people are often busy during their workday some suggestions are:

  • Easily prepared, cold snacks are often the best choices for work.

    • Whole fruits, mixed nuts, seeds, quinoa, or couscous salad, raw vegetables, cooked egg, light yogurt and cottage cheese can combine to create balanced meals that require only minutes of prep time.

  • Leftovers from previous meals

  • Try bringing a cooler with prepared meals to work and providing specific meal and snack recipes.


What is your favourite tip that you will implement this week?

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